Tuesday, July 14, 2009

At the Farm

Robert, Claire, Grandma and Mommy took a trip up to the farm last week. Robert immediately wanted to see a cow up close. But not too close.

"OOOHHHH! Look at that chicken! That's a BIG chicken!"
The calves were more Robert's speed... but as you can see, this calf wanted nothing whatsoever to do with Robert.
Grandma and Claire.
Heading into the barn. Robert was fascinated by the gutters. "Why that floor have a hole in it?" he asked.

The highlight of the day was taking a tractor ride. Unfortunately we have a before and after picture, but the camera batteries died for the "during" pics. Suffice it to say, Robert was a natural when it came to driving tractors. If by "natural," we mean he steers like a drunken monkey.

Grandma Place and Claire.
Then, Robert discovered sheep.

Grandma showed him how to feed hay to the sheep.

Claire, meanwhile, lounged around in her "Kentucky Derby" hat.

Grandma Place helped Robert find more hay for the sheep. ("Where that green stuff?")
(Pardon the "soft focus" on this shot.)

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