Playing Library
Robert set up a bunch of boxes and put his play laptop on the boxes, along with the phone and a couple of Grandpa's paperback books on top.
"What are you doing, Robert?" I asked.
"I'm not Robert," he replied. "I'm a Librarian."
At first I was tickled. He pretty much got it right, based on what he sees going on at the library. He sat there on a stool, typing away and occasionally picking up the phone and saying, "Hello, Hi. OK, Let me see."
And the thing that tickled me most was the fact that the books were sort of an afterthought. He occasionally picked one up to refer to it, or "beep" it with an imaginary scanner. But mostly his library work was done with the phone and computer.
Then something a little disturbing happened.
Robert got more boxes, some pillows, and Grandma's leg, and used them to create a barrier around himself and his little setup. Soon, he was entirely closed in.
"Now what are you doing?" I asked.
"I not want those kids bothering me. I is the Librarian. Don't bother me."
After a few more minutes, I asked him again what he was doing.
- "Go Away! I'm too busy!"
He looked at me with a disgusted expression.
"Go away! I'm too busy!" He told me, and turned back to the computer.
Oh, really??
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