Sunday, September 30, 2007

It's The Great Pumpkin!

We took Robert out to the pumpkin farm this morning. At first, he was pretty overwhelmed by the whole thing:

At least until he found some birds to chase.

After Robert gave up on the birds, Emily explained to him what to look for in a pumpkin, mostly that it not be too heavy. (Dad added that it really shouldn't be too dirty, either.)

I think this one is too heavy and too dirty:

"But wait! What's that one over there?"

Robert found a patch of smaller, cleaner pumpkins.

"What about this one?"

"I've got it!"

A boy and his pumpkin.

Once we had selected the pumpkins -- including one for Peanut -- Robert wanted to see if there were any other birds he could chase. He normally speaks fluent "turkey," but refused to do it on camera.

So he sat and watched them for a while instead.

We picked up some mums on the way out, and thank goodness we had brought along someone who was willing to pull the cart!

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Doggies, Doggies, Doggies

Took the little guy to the AKC Dog Show at the Planting Fields Arboretum this morning. Needless to say, he was pretty impressed.

First, a quick flip through this month's issue of "Dog Magazine"...

...and it's on to the show rings! There were SO MANY DOGGIES!

Robert and Dad took a walk to check out the staging area, where all the trainers were preparing their dogs for show.

...and there they found PUPPIES!

By the way, these are all Chinese Crested puppies. Ordinarily, they're horrifically ugly, but these little pups were really very cute; even the hairless ones. Apparently, there are two different types of Cresteds: the hairless and the puffball (which can be seen very clearly -- the white one with the black ears in the picture just above and just below). The breeder also said they don't shed, because it's hair, not fur. We immediately traded Peanut for five of the puppies.

No, just kidding. Peanut's still here.

Robert was so impressed with the dog show, he had to call Elmo and tell him all about it.

As he was speaking with Elmo, a little girl came over and asked to use the phone. Robert was not in a sharing mood.

However, there's always time for more PUPPIES!

Hangin' With Dad

There's nothing quite like sitting on the couch with on Dad.

"Look at my cool shoes!"

"Um... buddy? Perhaps you might want to try these smaller shoes instead."

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Cutie Pie


"How is the dog with the baby?"

We get this question all the time. What do you think?

Here is Robert giving Peanut a kiss:
And a Hug:
And inspecting his ear:
I think they get along just fine.


Best Bunnies

This is the bunny that has decided to move in behind our shed. What you can't see in the picture is the frantic toddler running around behind him yelling "BUNNNNNNEEEEEEEE!!!!"


Saturday, September 15, 2007

A Future Groening?

I Wish Every Day Could Be Cinco De Mayo

"Robert, chips and salsa. Chips and salsa, Robert."
