Sunday, March 29, 2009

Claire, From Robert

(photo courtesy of Robert's camera)

The Many Faces of Miss Claire

I challenge you to find a cuter baby anywhere.

Brother and Sister

So cute!

A kiss for Baby Claire!
But it's not long before Roebrt is up to something again!!!

Hairy Beast

There are two things that fascinate Claire more than anything else. Robert and Peanut. Here she is inspecting the hairy beast with a lot of interest. Peanut, however, would just as soon eat her, I think.


A Sweet Moment Goes Horribly Wrong...

Look at these sweet pictures! Robert sure loves his little sister!

Maybe he loves her just a little too much. A gentle little hug...

... turns into a squeeze...

... and a desperate attempt by Claire to escape...
...until Mommy stepped in and it was back to a little hug. But for how long? I don't trust the look in Robert's eyes...