Friday, December 28, 2007

Merry Christmas, Sorry Our Camera Sucks 2

More Christmas morning photos. Robert really wanted to dig in and help:

One of Daddy's favorite presents:

One of Robert's favorite presents:

Robert spent a long time watching Rachel & Eric play on their new DS systems... it kept him quiet, so we enjoyed it a lot!

Merry Christmas, Sorry Our Camera Sucks

We bought this new camera this fall, and it seems to be worthless on indoor photos. I'll go back to the old one for stuff like this.

Someone was very happy to see all sorts of presents under the tree when he woke up!

Concerned with safety, he knew immediately to put on his "hat."

He LOVED ringing the bell!

'Twas The Night Before Christmas...

...and apparently, Robert was concerned about saving money on dinner:

After bedtime, it was time for Dad to put together the gift that Santa dropped off! You'd think he would have asked the elves to do it before he visited, but I guess it was easier to leave it in the box.

C Is For Cookie, Part Deux

When we got to Grandma and Grandpa's for Christmas, cousins Rachel and Eric came down to help make cookies! Robert was very helpful too:

Sunday, December 16, 2007

C Is For Cookie

Cookie night! Robert was more than happy to help Dad make cookies. First he helped the sous chef unwrap all the chocolate:

Then he helped Dad spoon the balls of batter into the pan:

"Hey, Mom! Look what Dad's doing!"

"I'm helping!"

Ansel Adams, He's Not

Once upon a time, Robert wanted the camera:

He wanted to take pictures of Bobo:

And Peanut:

But he was unhappy when Mommy took the camera away.

O Christmas Tree

Robert loves pointing things out on the tree. Here he points out Santa...

...and something up high...

...and the Big Duck...

...and Cookie Monster.


We took Robert out to see The Big Duck this weekend. He was really impressed!

He was also impressed with the huge box of complimentary candy canes:

Coming soon to a mailbox near you...

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

A Boy and His Tree

Robert loves loves loves the Christmas tree. We set up all of his ornaments around the bottom, so he can poke his way around it, pointing out Elmo, Ernie (aka "Quack," as he's holding Rubber Duckie), Bert, Big Bird (aka "Bird"), Cookie Monster (aka... well, he makes that distinctive Cookie Monster munching noise -- I don't know that you can really spell it), Santa (aka "Ho Ho Ho"), Peanut (who has many aliases, including "P," "D," and "Dut"), and Bobo (we have a couple of bear ornaments).

Anyway, the kid loves the tree.

An Unusual Nap

Robert was giving Emily a hard time today at nap time (he's been home for two days with a little ear infection), and Em just let him cry it out... until he simply fell asleep at the top of the stairs, Bobo in tow and "Goodnight Moon" in hand.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Robert Sings The Alphabet... Sort Of.

Okay, so "sings the alphabet" is a stretch. But he tries.

Happy Birthday, Mom!

Robert spent some quality time with Mom for her birthday Sunday morning, reading the paper and hiding his eyes from the reflection off her brand-new birthday pajamas.