Emily and I were in a pretty horrific car accident on Wednesday morning. I had back surgery two weeks ago, and we dropped off Robert at school that morning and went on our way to the orthopedist to have my staples removed. While stopped at a light, pondering which Dunkin Donuts to go to, two cars collided at high speed in the intersection in front of us, sending one of them crashing into our car, flipping up over our hood and landing on its roof next to the driver's door. (Em was driving.) It sent us whipping back about forty feet and smashed up the Civic pretty good.
Thankfully, a lot of things were in our favor. The car didn't land on Emily -- although it came close -- it landed on the hood. And there was nobody behind us at the light, so when we were pushed back, we weren't sandwiched. And Honda did a freaking phenomenal job of building their 2004 Civic, so the whole interior cabin was unharmed. And thankfully, Robert wasn't in the car.
So with me still recovering from surgery and Emily recovering from whiplash, Robert's done a nice job of picking up some of the slack around the house.

"Boy, there's a lot of dog hair around here."

"Uh, do you mind? I'm trying to work here."

"Look, Mom! Dust!"